Saturday, November 29, 2008

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workers' meeting convened computing Computer Asturias Strike

convened the Second Assembly of Asturias Computer Workers

has been called the Second Assembly of Workers INTERSECTORAL graduates in Computer Science (Technical Engineering, Engineering and vocational training in Computer Science), students and workers and approved academic courses in Computer Science.

Place: Auditorium of the University School of Computer Engineering of Oviedo EUITIO (building Valdés Salas).

Date: Monday, December 1, 2008. Time: 19:00 to 19:30 h the first call and second call.

Convened: I will work in Computer Science graduates and students in academic courses and approved Computing of any sector.


1. Progress Report Information Technology sector in Asturias and measures conducted by various agencies on behalf of the profession.

2. Mission Statement of the Assembly:

a) Request not deregulation of university studies in Computer Science.

b) Request regulating the profession of Engineering in Computer Science.

c) Request compliance with the Act: Creation of the College of Computer Engineers and the Council of Colleges of Engineering in Computer Science.

3. Proposed measures taken:

Exercising the right and STRIKE PROTESTS for 18 December 2008 and January 17, 1916 February and March 15, 2009, and future mobilization, demonstrations and strikes to achieve the objectives.

4. Voting on the proposals.

5. Questions and answers.

6. Lift record and signed by the attendees.

Source: Blog College of Computer Engineers of Asturias

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the December 18, 2008

I do not want to start writing what I'm going through your head every time I think of the condition found my profession, because it warms me up and serves only to what is for me to go gray hair and a bleeding ulcer. So I'm just to echo the actions taken in HuelgaInformática and forum.

On December 18 there will be another strike and demonstration in each of the communities in the country. I will be there because they considered it a mockery ABSOLUTE what they are doing to us. Each of us acting as it sees fit. I have nothing to say.

• Why a 18-D? Dear colleagues

hope you have taken air these last days because we need your help. Not only is it seems that we have heard too much, but that did not stop us from injustice even under full mobilization, and not referring to the garbage contract, ask you to do tasks higher than that corresponds to the category of your contract, etc. That, to our dismay and anger, as is done routinely. We talked about issues affecting the future of the group of computer professionals. Here, we put three who are from these days spent and that we consider very serious:

1 - The Ministry of Education has approved between the powers of the fields of technology is the computer, when in their agenda of opposition appear only some issues computer. Furthermore, in ESO / BA professors of the Institute of Mathematics will provide information. Is this the quality of Teach us that will give the government? BOE

2 - Some universities such as Extremadura and say explicitly that students have to study subjects and the completion of a project for people with existing titles granted future undergraduate and master.
Association of Computer Engineers of Extremadura. Ministry of Science should defend a direct validation. How do you propose something like that?

3 - The General Director of Regional Administration Valencia has made a resolution amending certain computer stations. The resolution removes a requirement for certification Express Computer for Computer Engineer position of Group A, while explicitly include the certification of telecommunications as a requirement for access to such places. Thus, a graduate telecommunications engineer who has a place in the Government can introduce a competition for places "Physical Systems Analyst" and "Physical Systems Technician," while he could not do a Computer Engineer. This means that an Engineer in Telecommunications acquire the "status" Computer Group A, which would allow access to places contest "Technical Logic Systems" and "Logic Systems Analyst", to which he could not have agreed with their qualifications.
Association of Computer Engineers in the Valencian Community.
By God!, Valencia 18-D in the street!

now need more than ever that each and every one of you alcéis voice. We must organize a demonstration in every city of Spain that nobody is left quietly. We must get back out on the streets, we must show that the 19-N was no accident that the computer industry is determined to fight for to give solutions and require political decisions to start NOW!.

• Manifestations

Friends, we must go in every city where there is a Central government authorities and if possible in every city of Spain. Thus, there is no voice that will remove the option of up to denounce the current state of computing. Professionals and computer science students are spread throughout Spain, which means you try to focus on a single point lead to preventing many of the voices that want to build on 18-D could. For It is therefore vital to perform demonstrations in each of the provincial capital of this country, so you really can appreciate the huge group that we and any computer wherever you are on 18-D can raise his voice. We have an obligation not only to speak out but to help our colleagues to speak out also. You have made us dream of a time with the union of all, I cordially ask that you return to it again. Let's do a show in each city in Spain, professionals and students back together in the streets of Spain. If you do not want to get the national will extract each and every one of the local. So, we ask not think for a second and rellenéis the form of manifestation and Present in the sub-delegations of government for the day 18-D computer no one in Spain without the ability to raise their voices against this situation. On this day you will need cities where people who plan and take notice to the Central government authorities for the demonstration. If your city is not responsible or does not join and help fight for a decent computer.


propose that just as was done in Asturias for the 19-N Regional Assemblies are held to declare the strike for the 18-D in each of the regions of Spain, so that workers in the region can benefit from their right to strike. This is an issue that depends solely on you. The first thing is that you must make a call. Here you can download the document that you must use to make the call. The date should be performed is the 1st of December, for day 2 is sent to work and officials can receive the right to strike. Call Document Assembly.

Once you have agreed to call, send the notice to agencies and regional media. In addition, send an email to and we will publish. The following steps are: 1D
Day: Celebrating the assembly (template send it to aspects of a manifesto agreed)
Day 2D: Write a letter to the Directorate General of Labour to call a strike (template will be sent) (or 3D first hour but maybe we can give problems in some regions that do not want to allow the strike)
The reason this time is for eligible staff, because they require 10 days notice prior to invoke their right to strike. Private enterprise workers need only 5 days. So, if sent later than December 2 only private company employees may invoke their right to strike

Source: State
HuelgaInformática regional assemblies: Updated

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

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Strike and demonstration of computer engineers in Oviedo (Asturias) Computer

Some say 1000, another 3000 and another 5000 ... I could not say how many people there, so are some videos for you to be patient and win, the count:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

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The strike was legally called Asturias.


Friday, November 14, 2008

After the Assembly of qualified workers (and students) in the field of regulated and accredited qualifications in Computer Science, events on the day November 13, 2008 in Asturias.

has agreed to convene the Regional Intersectoral Strike qualified workers (and students) in the field of regulated and accredited qualifications in Computer Science, and the creation of a strike committee.

has been submitted notice of the decision taken in the assembly to the Directorate General of Labour of the Ministry of Industry of the Principality of Asturias, a Government Delegation in Asturias and FADE.

The strike committee is waiting for the authorities involved to inform the next steps for the proper functioning of the right to strike or make representations and objections they may have.

More information: Blog of the College of Computer Engineers

Saturday, November 8, 2008

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More articles about the strike in "El Pais" and in "El Mundo" They echo

Two of the most important newspapers in this country realize the problems that drag and its consequences:

The Country

Thursday, November 6, 2008

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strike in 20minutes

20minutes in the daily echo :

computer engineers, on a war footing for their professional adjustment
D. YAGÜE. 06.11.2008 - 14:39 h

* The Government did not include this certification to be adapted to the European higher education.
* The problem is that it is an unregulated profession.
* BLOG: Goodbye engineers. Hello fans.

computer engineers felt discriminated against for not having labor regulation because, legislation, is the state that can develop brand which activity each profession according to the degree progress, and for Computers, despite being repeatedly asked by the school, never have materialized these skills.

Now the situation has worsened for industry professionals: the Ministry of Education and Science presented the engineering specifications of all who wanted to adapt to European higher education space, of which only needed the Computer.

realize what is needed is the solution that we're getting and when

This puts in a situation of "differential treatment" discrimination, students in this race, "a quarter of engineering students from Spain," said 20 minutes as the president of the Conference of Deans and Directors of University Computing Centers (CODDI), Maria Ribera Sancho.

Schools consulted professionals and ensure that discrimination, in addition to labor, as such evidence would not have value outside of Spain and lead to the disappearance of the title ("anyone who would shout Telecommunications, under these conditions") among other factors.

unfair situation for years

This highlights a situation "unfair and takes years" planning on this course, as Sancho. The CODDI takes three years to meet with the Government on this issue and "we've always seemed to see will, but as time goes. It is necessary to specify what is the solution that we're getting and when," concluded the president of the Confederacy.

The Ministry of Science and Innovation claim that all this is "nothing" because they never adapted a degree of a profession is not regulated.

We have been accused of being alarmist but we had to mobilize people

One issue that becomes the snake biting line because as the Professional Association of Computer Engineers in Andalusia this non-inclusion seems to prove that they were never given much-desired job skills. 20 minutes

talked to Greg Ambrosius, Dean of the College who posted on his website this information and the consequences which, in his opinion, brought. "We have been accused of being alarmist but we had to mobilize people," said Ambrose.

's not fair that we pay a certified career when our profession is not regulated

But who gives these job skills? Supposedly relevant ministries in the profession, in this case between them would the Ministry of Industry and the Secretary of State for Telecommunications. Internet

From a group of students and computer engineers, "no desire to prominence or political leanings, is mobilizing protests. In principle have called a strike for 19 days. This newspaper has spoken to sources within the organization to ensure seek "justice, because it is not fair that we pay a race certified by the state but when you get the title of our profession is not recognized by the state itself, so anyone can perform our work ". Next Saturday

professional associations will meet in Spain and decide whether to endorse this mobilization.

Copy the text if they start to disappear these links.
A greeting.

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More information about the strike goes

statements ETSII director of Seville:

Dear colleagues, following the confusion created by the email sent by the College of Engineers of Andalusia, I like to make clear as is currently the situation on the new curriculum.

Globally, most universities are already working on the new curriculum within the European Higher Education Area, as that the rules on this is clear.

However, at the level of engineering, the subject is still blocked, mainly due to the dispute of authority between the current Technical Engineering (three years) and Advanced Engineering (five years), since in principle with the new curriculum, all graduates would be.

consensus solution that seems to be drawn is that the rating would stay with the skills of Engineers and the master with the senior engineers.

To normalize the situation, for all Engineering with professional functions (except Computer Engineering, Engineering is the only professional who has no powers) have developed what is popularly known as the tabs of the Engineering (formerly Software Verification Orders), which indicates the conditions which must be appropriate curricula leading to the award of titles that qualify for the practice of a profession of engineer. These chips are not yet finally approved, although it appears that the agreement is close.

For Computer Engineering are not prepared these notes, arguing that there is a profession with responsibilities, which come from many groups claiming repeatedly. The fact that Computer Science has no such records would cause a situation of unfairness in the Computer Engineering would be clearly disadvantaged compared to other engineering, not having a regulatory framework defining what are the skills of Engineers Computer.

This is exacerbated because other records in their respective engineering other skills that define what we could understand that is our field. Obviously this does not mean that our degree is going to disappear, as most professions do not have such records and qualifications exist, but if you place our graduates at a disadvantage compared to other engineering, which are the ones that we have to measure.

The compromise proposes that comes from the Ministry since before the summer is that while Engineering has no professional activity, if the chips could be defined with professional skills in a manner similar to other engineering. This would also have the advantage that would leave the door open for future claims in the appropriate professional authority. However, this is not just to be reflected in any role, in fact nobody is working on defining the specifications for computer engineering.

Moreover, we saw that last October 29, the Commission on Science and Innovation House of Representatives rejected (for some, but rejected) a proposal to develop the chips for computer engineering as well as begin the process to regulate the profession . Those you want to watch video from the development of this Commission, you can see it on youtube

Against this background, on Thursday 30 October, the CODDI (Conference of Deans and Heads of Computing) met in Madrid with the objective of moving to action and develop a proposal that I attached sheets. Obviously, these schedules established by the CODDI are not definitive, but it is a document in which there was consensus and we can start talking about what we want.

These cards have been delivered to the Director General of Universities, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Felipe Petriz, at a meeting held on 31 October. Petriz commended the work done by the CODDI and accepted the cards with the commitment to begin work when the other Engineering chips were resolved, at which point the government would give the proposed solution.

also held a meeting Wednesday with representatives in Congress, where they have been arguments about the discrimination they suffer our degrees with respect to other Engineering and in particular the Telecommunications. They believe that the solution
Computer Engineering goes through the transposition of European Directive on services, we have announced soon. By the CODDI not convinced that this is sufficient and therefore insisted that the quickest solution passes out the cards.

The impression drawn from these meetings is that the Ministry is looking for a solution, but we clearly see the horizon of this solution.

I have also found an interesting article on a charge of "World "

Wednesday November 5, 2008, number 529

computer engineers, on the warpath against the Ministry of Garmendia
Less than a year and half to the end of the period of adaptation to the European higher education, skills and content of this course are not yet defined, which makes the presentation of common curricula. EMILIA

Wednesday 29 October. In the intricate world of binary code that makes up the Internet, anonymous messages buzzing with indignation: "It's hard to describe how I feel. I do not want to emigrate, but this government is making me very hard. Everywhere I look, I hear expressions like 'Society' 'Information', 'development' ...

"However, in my contract contains a job that has nothing to do with the work performance (or my degree.) In what country we live! And after what happened yesterday ... Is it too late for Computer Science? From today, I am former PSOE voters. "

This anonymous letter expresses perfectly the feeling of the 200,000 people affected by the capricious decision of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) to reject a proposition of law that requested content and skills for Engineering Computer.

The initiative, announced on Tuesday of last week by the popular deputy Jesús Vázquez, was vetoed by 19 votes (PSOE) against, 17 for (PP and BNG), and two abstentions of CiU. But what does this mean for the group of records?

Computer Engineering is the only qualification that is subjected to a different process to verify their qualifications have not defined the cards that recognize their professional field. As an engineer in any specialty can demonstrate their knowledge by referring to a professional card in Computer Engineering graduates should not from now.

to the Conference of Directors and Deans of Informatics (CODDI), "this creates confusion in addition to discriminatory treatment that involves one of the groups of engineers in the country."

also compromises one of the main aims of the European Higher Education Area: the mobility of students. The absence of records prevents the creation of a uniform curriculum throughout the English territory and no correspondence with Europe, so that students in these degrees will be confined to their centers. CAMPUS

When asked about the controversy Pétriz Felipe, Director General of Universities, it is still had not met with representatives of the Conference of Directors and Deans of Informatics (CODDI) and wanted to avoid responsibility MICINN. "Until the profession is not regulated by the ministry that corresponds, in this case industry, we are not responsible for the development of those sheets."

For Vazquez, such an argument is no less absurd, "Chemical Engineering as a profession is not regulated itself yet it has reached an agreement to submit a curriculum." Maria Ribera Sancho

, president of the CODDI heads one of the most critical of the performance of the ministry Garmendia.

"From our point of view, the computer systems being developed today have a direct impact on safety, health and welfare of citizens and development and innovation capacity of our businesses.

In this sense, we run a risk too high if we do not ensure that the construction of these systems is carried out by highly qualified to do so, having the right skills. It would be an abdication of responsibility by our government to ignore this fact. "

An important sector for the economy

In 2000, the CODDI began work on adaptation to Bologna the titles of Computer Engineering. Even in 2004 produced a White Paper published by the Aneca title. Last Friday, during his meeting with Pétriz, presented their proposal for technical specifications, which would be taken into account when adopting the "regulation of the profession." A surprising disregard for one of the most dynamic sectors of the English economy. Higher education centers that provide hosting Information about 95,000 students, a quarter of all students of Engineering of Spain. In the 31 years of life of these studies have been called nearly 120,000 students.

Computer Science Studies are held in 81 centers spread across the entire English territory. All universities except one, include these degrees.

According to the Ministry of Industry, the computer sector revenues represent at least 1.6% of English GDP.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Christian Ministry Retirement Song

Computer Computer - for a decent computer

Strike Wednesday, November 19

degrees affected by the strike

* Computer Doctors
* Computer Engineering * Graduates in Computer

* Diploma in Computer
* Diploma in Computer
* Degree in Computer Science (Future) * Masters in Computer

* Vocational Training * Vocational Training Institutions Media

This strike is caused by the exclusion of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering of the proposals of the ministerial order and agreement Council of Ministers regarding the qualification to exercise the various engineering professions. Interpreted this as a failure by the current ministerial team, the commitments made by Mr. Miguel Ángel Quintanilla, former Secretary of State for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Education and Science with CODDI, during the plenary of the Conference held in Gijón on May 22, 2007

have so far been granted the following powers to the telecommunications engineering: Internet, services, applications, components, digital circuits, integrated circuits, logic devices, microprocessors, computer architectures (conventional, sequential, parallel and multiprocessing), digital signal processing, servers, networks, distributed systems, operating systems, interfaces person / computer, usability, security, databases, information systems , programming (basics, methods, languages, real-time, concurrent distributed event-based), software (technology, methodology, engineering), knowledge management, etc.

Given the above, it means even less that a career in Computer Engineering and Diploma in Computer is unregulated, giving rise to an unacceptable unfairness and an absurd and dangerous situation in which the functions related to powers mentioned in the previous section can only be claimed exclusively by the telecommunications industry.

Parliamentary Group of the Partido Popular (PP), filed on October 28 (Tuesday) at 11am a non-legislative proposal on content and skills of Computer Engineering. (161/260) that follows non-legislative proposal

The House of Representatives urges the Government to with immediate effect:

* 1 º Abra a brief period of reflection leading to reinstate the qualifications in the field of Computer Engineering (undergraduate and master's) in the discussion of all engineering, as had happened so far, which reflects the nature of their responsibilities and their right to claim at least the same powers as the evidence with which it shares competence.
* 2 º Create corresponding data sheets and master's degree which reflects the nature of the skills of Computer Engineering.
* 3-second call on the Council of Universities in the same meeting at which approval of the requirements for verification of the various titles of Engineer will approve a formal request addressed to the competent ministries, which are urged to regulate occupations included in the proposed Masters degree and approved by the Subcommittee of Technical Education, at its meeting on June 29, 2005, and elevated at the time the Ministry of Education, among whom were the "Degree in Engineering Computer "and" Masters in Computer Engineering, with general directives.

This proposal was rejected, so if things continue the way they wear, the hard-won title in schools and colleges in Spain of Computer Engineering or Computer Engineer will become a mere decoration on the walls. In addition to this terrible unfairness that is taking between tecomunicaciones and computer, there is a previous situation in which the value of a lousy way the titles achieved any educational level of both university and vocational training. Thus, to avoid this situation and to assess the work done by students at the university computer as in the training level is called the strike on Wednesday, November 19 and the actions that we see fit until the government meets this just claim ENGINEERING GRADUATE STUDENTS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING COMPUTER AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING. If you study or are in the computer industry very seriously tomato join the day 19 in your city to the demonstration that takes place because you bet your future.

Why do this?

for us because we pay a state title, because in the curriculum that we studied was exposed to would acquire skills that now refuse to recognize a professional manner. Because it is fair to recognize our skills at the professional level.

All the information you have in:

Some professional associations have begun to position for the strike: College of Computer Engineers of Asturias