hidden Anywhere in the world, there is always something that will surprise and leave us with their mouths open, either their beauty or their uniqueness. If someone told you that there are streets you thought it amazing? Probably odd because you have been wondering about this stretch large buildings, monuments, gardens and some others have caused you to laugh and have unusual names. Based on top-10-list.org 10 routes passable show you that are themselves astonishing, given characteristics so unusual. Magic Zone. Several antigravity hills where things are on a slope up. There is as such an explanation that has convinced the scientific field as to why this happens. Many accept the version that is an optical illusion caused by the surrounding environment. Here in Mexico is one of the hills. It is located in the state of Colima, 15 minutes from the capital, and is called "Magic Zone", where you can clearly see how cars and bottles in "up" instead of down.
Ebenezer Place. This street is located in Scotland and became popular in 2006 thanks to entered the Guinness Book of Records for being the way smaller worldwide, as measured only 2.6 meters long. Data from 1883 and originated because the owner of a hotel that is right in that corner was forced to put a street name in front of the building. Four years later he was declared as such officially.
Pan American Highway . is the world's longest road. It measures about 48 thousand kilometers long and links from one end to the whole American continent. Although it was built 88 years ago, engineers have not been able to find a way to connect the section called "Darien Gap" . Are 87 miles of forest that runs from Panama to Colombia
Parliament Street. This street is in England and was drawn around 1500. At first it was called Small Lane . In the Guinness Book is listed as one of the narrow streets of the universe, as parte más ancha tiene 1.2 metros y la más angosta apenas mide 64 centímetros.
El camino a Giza. Es la calle pavimentada más antigua de la cual se tenga registro alguno. Se construyó hace más de 4 mil años y se encargaba de conectar la minas ubicadas en el suroeste de El Cairo con los muelles del río Nilo. Por ahí se transportaron las piedras con las que se construyeron las pirámides .
Avenida 9 de julio . Es una de las calles principales de Buenos Aires, Argentina y se le dio ese nombre precisamente para recordar el día de la independencia de aquel país. Se It is considered the widest avenue in the world, measuring 150 meters from curb to curb. It is one of the icons of the city .
Lombard Street. is located in the city of San Francisco and is famous for that in a short section eight small curves were drawn that at the time and so far, allowing the descent of the car. Alfred Hitchcock immortalized in his film "Vertigo" .
Magic Roundabout. In the town of Swindon, in Wiltshire, England, we find the world's most curious roundabout. There is a central roundabout and around this there are five small roundabouts, where cars drive in the direction of clockwise, with the exception of the principal. If people do not know, you are advised not to go through the site.
Savoy Court. English is the only street in which people drive on the right. It was the custom of ancient times, when there were still horse-drawn carriages, where the driver is facilitated to go that way and open the door, still holding the reins, so people just descend on the sidewalk.
Baldwin Street . En la ciudad de Dunedin , al sur de Nueva Zelanda se encuentra esta calle, la cual es la más empinada del mundo. Tiene un total de 350 metros de longitud y su pendiente poco a poco se va alzando hasta alcanzar una inclinación máxima de 19 grados. Está pavimentada con hormigón y no con asfalto, ya que en días de calor, este podría derretirse y crear una avalancha.
¿Qué otra calle conoces que pueda ser sorprendente?
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