say the exaggerated television today (mostly American, have to be clear) has passed, or is under way-the film in terms of quality concerned. say "exaggerated" because personally I'm not agree to such claims. It is true that we can now find many different other interesting options there is no doubt television serial and every time they and their creators do not skimp on the technical design terms, too. But I still think that despite its obvious kinship film and television are each very different in nature and I reserve the ideas of argument for another post.
Well, what is this. Javier Alcácer, the digital magazine Other cinemas (see link in right column), offers an interesting-perhaps debatable same-reflection (the first of several parts) on an issue that until recently, talking about media, concerned only the movies: the author, and sense "Nuevaolero" of the word. Is it possible to speak of "author" in that sense if we look at television? Alcácer boot the discussion about this (here) interesting series Mad Men is .
(Joseph Abril)
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