low Journaling File System for Linux, ReiserFS, Hans Reiser. A bullet Vergara
similes with windows not to enter background of architecture and little by little like a children's pool:)
A file system is basically the way they treated the bits of information within a logical or physical container, as it may be a network or a data system as we all know on a hard disk.
data systems windows are poorly known as the partition type to use "fat, fat32, ntfs ...
This "partition type" is itself a file system, each with its own characteristics amply described about file size limitations by / speed / safety ... can be found on windows file system windows NT kernel's natural, does not mean the network NTFS file system, but New Technology file system, a system that uses a log to store the metadata and convert it into your system so Journaling.
What is a journaling file system?
A system such as NTFS or ReiserFS journaling (and many more in linux) gives us the ability in case of sudden shutdown of equipment, or whatever it is, in the midst of a data transaction, the file is far from being broken uses a log to write when the transaction begins and when it ends and you have not finished the process clearly been "Half" so and so runs again not corrupt the data to a network failure / voltage / overflow.
Llendonos the Linux field, we have many types of file systems support journaling and within these types of systems, each has some features, sure we all have heard of ext2, ext3 ... jfs, xfs ...
I will not go into details, but are oriented to the file size and transaction journaling of the above being all but the ext2, which is still used by a lot, perhaps because of ignorance or how easy it is to access He personally consider it as fat, insecure, outdated, but still there are devices that use it, as well as dependent of fat for certain flash drives, mp3, flash, ext2 is needed for tomtom, browsers, mobile ...
ReiserFS system is used because it is quick to label small file transactions, the XFS instead on large, depending on how your system is recommended decantarte by one or another to save setbacks and making it easy and fast access to the medium , both as a physical network.
JFS is an IBM system that will point nothing more than "there" but is a minority.
The most commonly used for home user comfort just being ext3-compatibility, but note that it is the first to be "stable" was ReiserFS, but has a history obscura y es que Hans Reiser, su creador fue condenado por 15 años de carcel por matar a su mujer Nina Reiser, en 2006, Hans pidio que lo dejaran programar en la carcel, para aportar algo de dinero a sus hijos.
Si bien es cierto que cada uno preferimos un sistema de archivos, influye en la distro mucho la instalación por defecto, ya que todos hemos hecho más de una y de 50 veces en mi caso instalaciones por defecto y no todos supimos las diferencias de cual se adaptaba más a nuestras necesidades la primera, ni la segunda vez, yo aconsejo ext3 por su escalabilidad y compatibilidad con ext2 en el ambito domestico siempre lo he usado.
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