Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Do Your Hair Like A Star

Directories in Linux.

Well I hope this review helps tod @ s the one you wish to start in this system, since my blog I try to accommodate this system whenever I can, after all, no one born learned.
Time is our master, is now just read and practice to master the technique. Probervio xD my secular belief

There is a standard, the "File Hierarchy Standard" (FHS - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) that attempts to define a basis, so that both system programs, such as users and administrators know where to find what they want. This standard is in its version 2.3 and the same document can be found in full at this address: . Are encouraged to read the wish to deepen the subject.
This standard is maintained by the 'Free Standards Group' , a nonprofit organization composed of hardware and software companies such as AMD, Computer Associates, Debian, Dell, Fujitsu, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, MySQL, NEC, Novell, Red Flag, Red Hat, Sun Microsystems, Veritas and many others. Most Linux distributions, including those that are part of Free Software Standards do not apply a strict and 100% standard, although the differences were minimal.
There are two types of distinctions when it comes to which type of content of a directory: Static / Dynamic and sharable / not shared. Static
  • : contains binaries, libraries, documentation and other files that do not change without intervention from the administrator. Can be read-only devices (read-only) and do not need to do backups as often as with dynamic files
  • Dynamic: contains files that are not static. Must find in reading-writing (read-write). They need to make backups often
  • Shareable: contains files that can be found on a computer and used in another
  • not shared: contains files that are not shareable
Below are some examples to clarify ideas:
  • Static: / bin, / sbin, / opt, / boot, / usr / bin
  • Dynamic: / var / mail, / var / spool, / var / run, / var / lock / home
  • Shareable: / usr / bin, / opt
  • not shared: / etc, / boot, / var / run, / var / lock
All files and directories appear under the root directory "/" (the Unix world equivalent to the C: \\ Windows) but are in albums / different devices. Linux / Unix There are no letters of disks (C:, D:, etc.) The devices 'mounted' (begin to form part of) the system directory tree, but this will explain some other time.
Below you have a list of the most important system directories and used. To access them you can use the command cd 'directory name' . To view the content of these you can use the command ls-l 'directory name' .

Directory Structure (Source)
/: Root.
/ usr: Here is the vast majority of files on a Linux system such as documentation, executables, etc.
/ bin: Here are the commands you can use all users (including root).
/ sbin: Here are the commands that you can only use the root.
/ dev: Here are all the devices on your machine.
/ home: place where you store user accounts. As something like "My Documents" in Windows.
/ lib: Here are the libraries that are needed for the system.
/ var: Contains variable information such as system logs (/ var / log), local mail etc.
/ tmp: Temporary Directory .
/ etc: Here are all the settings. For example if we modify the Samba configracion just have to edit the text file / etc / samba / smb.conf
/ root: Account Manager.
/ boot: Here is everything related to booting.
/ media: mount point for file systems mounted locally.
/ mnt: is the predecessor of / media, it retained only for historical reasons
/ proc: virtual file system process information and kernel.

Information Expanded directories: (Source)

Directory ------------------------------- Description -------------------------------------------------- --------
/ bin / commands / core binaries (cp, mv, ls, rm, etc..)
/ boot / files used during system boot (kernel and RAM disk)
/ dev / core devices, hard drives, terminals, sound, video
, DVD / CD player, etc.

/ etc / config files used throughout the system that are specific to the computer

/ etc / opt / Configuration Files used by
programs housed within the / opt /

/ etc/X11 / Configuration files for X Window system (optional)
/ etc / sgml / Configuration files for SGML (optional)
/ etc / xml / Configuration Files XML (Optional)

/ home / home directories for users (optional)
/ lib / core shared libraries for binaries in / bin /, / sbin / and
the core system.

/ mnt / mounted file systems temporarily.
/ media / mount points for media devices such as reading units

/ opt / package static applications.
/ Proc / virtual file system that documents events and states of
core. Contains mostly text files.

/ root / home directory root (super-user) (Optional)
/ sbin / Commands / binaries for system administration.
/ tmp / temporary files
/ srv / site-specific data served by the system.
/ usr / Secondary hierarchy for read-only shared data (Unix
system resources). This directory can be shared by multiple computers
and should not contain specific data
you share your computer.

/ usr / bin / Commands / binaries.
/ Usr / include / standard include files (headers header
used for development).

/ usr / lib / shared libraries.
/ usr / share / independent shared data architecture
system. Images, text files, etc.

/ usr / src / Source code (optional)
/ usr/X11R6 / X Window System Version 11, Release 6 (optional)
/ usr / local / Tertiary hierarchy for read-only shared data specific computer
that Share.

/ var / Files variables, such as logs, databases, server root directory
HTTP and FTP, mail queues, temporary files, etc.

/ var / cache / Cache provides application data.
/ var / crash / deposit information regarding system crashes (Optional)

/ var / games / applications for variable data sets (Optional)
/ var / lib / variable status information. Some servers like MySQL and PostgreSQL
store their databases in directories subordinate to it.

/ var / lock / lock files.
/ var / log / files and directories in the system log (logs).
/ var / mail / user mailboxes (Optional)
/ var / opt / data variables in / opt /.
/ var / spool / Application Data Queues.
/ var / tmp / temporary files preserved between restarts.


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