estimate the result of an account is calculated roughly.
In a class of 3rd. the teacher wrote this subtraction
604 - 291 =
and asked the boys as might be the result around.
What response would you choose?
1) Prior to each of the following subtractions, think and write an approximate result.
703 to 512 =
5169 to 1922 =
4,815 to 2,307 =
2) Solve the subtraction and revise the proposed results to see which were more approximate. We discuss and write on the blog to be taken into account to better estimate
3) Think 3 subtractions and wrote very different, with about 2,000 results
In a class of 3rd. the teacher wrote this subtraction
604 - 291 =
and asked the boys as might be the result around.
What response would you choose?
1) Prior to each of the following subtractions, think and write an approximate result.
703 to 512 =
5169 to 1922 =
4,815 to 2,307 =
2) Solve the subtraction and revise the proposed results to see which were more approximate. We discuss and write on the blog to be taken into account to better estimate
3) Think 3 subtractions and wrote very different, with about 2,000 results
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