Legal Opinion concluded that Mr. Computer is regulated profession Téc The Standing Committee of the (CODDI) considered appropriate order, at the end of the year, a legal opinion on the status of regulated profession in Computer Engineering, according to law 12/1986 of April. The objective of this assignment was to try to understand all the elements that are intervening in the decision-making government about our qualifications.
As you see, opinion the main conclusion is that Computer Engineering is regulated profession. We take for granted that both the general director D. Minister Felipe Pétriz as Ms. Cristina Garmendia are aware of this report for days.
There are two very important appointments, one of which is that the Act applies to Computer Engineering:
Yes it can be argued that the law 12/1986, of April 1, applies to the title of Computer Engineering Management and Technical Engineering in Computer Systems.
And from the provisions of Opinion:
FOURTH .- With the approval of the Royal Decrees 1460/1990 and 1461/1990 of 26 October, the Government updated by the catalog of specialties and qualifications Technical Engineering in Management and Technical Engineering in Computer Systems are automatically included, since that time, the legal regime of the Law 12/1986.
The report is developed by the Administrative Law Professor D. José M ª Bath Lion and was issued in Madrid last December 29, 2008. Here
Legal opinion have the in PDF format.