Saturday, December 18, 2010
Stream Exploitation Movies
Here the second and final part of the extraordinary interview with Jorge Ayala Blanco. On critics and criticism and books still can not see light, among other things.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What Are The Hardest Credit Cards To Get

Perhaps the only positive of a bad movie made by a director who has been raising expectations, is that your next bet can be seen as a masterpiece. By comparison and contrast. Aja Alexadre speak French and her latest Piranha (EU, 2010) which is neither a masterpiece nor reinvented for nothing but his former side and very disappointing Mirrors (EU, 2008) reaches dimensions worthy This emphasis.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mississauga Cheap Waxing Services

Although I agree with some considering the fact Hell (Mexico, 2010) the best film of Luis Estrada (I prefer to think of it as the least worst ), not finished completely empathize with her. And yes: it has a brisk pace that helps a lot, some, not many achieved and-gags some-very few lines of dialogue, silly. But it has so many flaws and among those many the most annoying, irritating, is the conception of certain characters. A Estrada what happens to Novaro (Mary director, Beatriz writer) who from his mentality coyoaquense corner given by the countess imagined "ideal types" and therefore unlikely to believe in fiction name basis (or twitter ?) with reality, if the latter the Working Class Goes to Paradise workers and their wives-course-speak with an awareness of class and gender and political agitator like any shift and with such resources as political science students at UNAM are treated (I think especially in the Tiare Scanda of No trace / 2000), in that the narcos show such awareness of the Mexican reality and would like any avid committed reader "ideal" La Jornada or process.
Estrada claims that his Cochiloco (a heavy Joaquin Cosio), which has as much capacity for thinking out loud (and the slightest provocation, external) to the trigger, is something like the carrier, and forgiveness with the term "ethos of hell, and that makes their obviotes, politically and impostadísimos aclichados dialogues contribute to the whole thing is dangerously close to swallow.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Learn To Stitch Churidar Pajami

few years ago, in the second half of the nineties to be precise, Peter Greenaway Britain tried to create some controversy about the nature of cinema. For multimedia artist now too has yielded the medium, the art of the moving image, to literature. Thus, the ballast narrative logic, because in traditional narrative greenawayniana meant "little positive beginning to find it. With their ideas tried to claim that enormous debt that the film had (and no doubt it continues to some extent have) with art and that few, very few he said, were aware. Much of what Greenaway shouting seemed to cause a nearby cinema with video art video installation or after something closer to the cosmopolitan gallery to the vulgarity of the multi-room shopping. postmodern provocateur and as a good beginning to discount heads: from classics veneradísimos by tradition to contemporary pop. Few managed to escape from their perspective views. For this writer these thinking aloud were merely deceptions that little echo, fortunately, have.
Another McQueen film aesthetics that seems close to everything and distances: Derek Jarman. But this is already a pending matter.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Shark Invitations Birthday
(Joseph Abril)
Monday, September 20, 2010
H. Pylori Post Treatment

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Maxine Birthday Invite

Friday, September 3, 2010
Waxing The Forehead Line

is a pity that some filmmakers have forgotten and even more painful when this oversight has contributed to the lack of interest in his films and awaken gradually manifest, beyond the little or no national distribution in soil have suffered. And I speak, I clarify, a personal view. At least some of that has happened to me with Catalan Vicente Aranda, a filmmaker whose career I've been more or less attentive and although my memory that some, if not all, registered. Aranda was a filmmaker and expected more of that shortly, I feel, has offered. Responsible
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Spiegelteleskop Catadioptric
Monday, August 2, 2010
Using Motorcycle Engine In Dune Buggy

We will not deny that the film has its moments, especially visually. And we will not deny nor to Nolan as a filmmaker more than estimable (mainly Memento / 2000 The Prestige / 2006 and The Dark Knight / 2008). But at the end to see The origin not remember avoid New York on stage (2008), similar in more ways than one, of that other writer / director, Charlie Kaufman, that it itself has always played a genius with great ideas but only lo crean él mismo y sus apologizadores (digo, no extraña nada que para su debut tras la cámara haya escogido como título la palabra-figura-concepto ¡ Synecdoche !). En ambos casos la impresión/idea pretendidamente “inoculada” es la misma: “somos genios y soñamos a lo grande”. Uhm!
(Joseph Abril)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
What Is A Light Lien Release Letter?

is quite common when it comes to film adaptations are often done without neglecting the most obvious reference: the literary text. Is understandable if we consider that the novel or story has been the starting point for this or that project is unnecessary, from a personal standpoint, always look askance at the written material as a stick to measure qualitatively the result final screen.
Unnecessary, yes. For search for possible virtues make a great literary work on a film is demanding, a posteriori, the director that mimics the writer and is, therefore, try to find in the movie series of resources that are foreign because they are exclusively literature in both language. The film, therefore, has, while also language, its own resources, as the wit, sensitivity, the ability of the filmmaker to use, make the existence of great films regardless of whether they have taken as a starting point the literary world or not.
Perhaps wary too, but I do not entirely trust those who talk about the film, product adaptation, always making reference to the novel or story. And trust me, for always, or almost, I leave the impression of wanting to discuss the text on the pretext of the movie, as if it were required to serve the window. Typical: the movie is bad because the novel is very good. Bah! The movie is bad because bad is your manager or is a masterpiece because he has made known to use their resources. Owes nothing to the literary work, except the premise-premise and subject to appropriation process - which allows for the story presented in images. Point.
On one occasion a colleague quite rightly said that a smart filmmaker ignores - or at least should, in the shadow of the original author to bring the material to their own land, their own universe. Thus, a Thomas Mann became a Visconti (Death in Venice , Italy, 1971) although in this case I was with Death in Venice the first and not the second, because the land of Visconti, ie his style, sometimes I was a little excessive given to aestheticism and irritating. My problem was with Visconti as a writer, then, and not so much the greater or lesser fidelity to the novel itself Mann.
But why all the cantinfleo, you ask. What happens is that I thought writing about The road (EU, 2009), the film that made John Hillcoat from Cormac McCarthy's novel, and I have found such thoughts that appeal to the superiority of the novel as to discredit the film. In my case, both the novel and the film I found products full of successes, successes that in each case are due to the enormous capacity of both writers (literary and cinematic) to use the resources that each language provides. Possibly, in the case of Hillcoat should be noted the certain proclivity toward sobremusicalización (obviously, signed by Nick Cave that enamored), but otherwise there is otherwise in place.
thought delve into further detail about the movie, but you are not to know ... within hours I'm going on vacation to San Francisco, California, jejeje. So I do not have much time, then we are better - or we read.
(Joseph Abril)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Marriage Invitation Tamil And English Model

About what comes - The rear (yes, with z, such as underwear) Twilight: Eclipse (Slade, USA, 2010) - a well-chosen words that I met there :
Jordi Costa
The Country
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Can Adderall Herpes Outbreak

time, so help me the cliche, goes very fast, and although I do not create the five years that we meet today June 10, with this space, I think they are much less. Let's be cynical: some of it has to do with the irregularities that have characterized The devil probably -blog-in that (not so) new word is "post", because in five years I should have written more, but much more than they've accumulated to date today. Not justify my lack of evidence because if there is something that bothers me is justification, nor promise more active because I truly believe that the dynamic that has characterized the blog will not change at all. Ie the time between one text and another is and will remain fairly relative.
We do argue and I for sure is the enthusiasm to keep this homepage for the same reasons that brought it. As follows
1. Because we like Bresson although to date we have not written anything about it (in fact the name of the blog is in his honor).
2. Because we love movies of terror but is no longer the only subject line to be followed by this writer.
3. It is the only place where texts safely maintain the integrity of the scissors of any editor in turn, in a newspaper or magazine printed in turn, provided arbitrarily altering the order of things (and therefore the proposed contents.)
4. Free writing because if other media is (if anything underestimated here in Sonora that is the film critic), best free writing and when we choose for ourselves and our own space - and friendly and obviously for patient readers that here is looming.
5. We are masturbatory, if we look at what we said so ironically the Master Ricardo Ribeiro (QPD) on film criticism: heck pure mental.
6. Because, as suggested by the Master Jorge Ayala Blanco, if watching movies is a pleasure to write about it is and should be an extension of that pleasure.
7. Because, already installed in the melodrama of Fassbinder hardest hit, love is colder than death, but the film is warmer than life (well ... not so much).
8. Because we recognize that complexity implies that the movie phenomenon as an object of study, but always looking over his shoulder and his "healthy" ignorance and postgraduate scholars consider the opposite (at least here in Sonora).
In short
9. Because, as Paxton says, we are obsessed with film and everything else like it.
Thanks ...
José April
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A Bmi Chart For Black Woman

"S i ever decide to return to that atmosphere will be because they really I feel a strong desire ", Dario Argento commented some years ago, many years, cuestionársele on the possible closure of the-until then hypothetically Mothers trilogy started with Suspiria (Italy, 1977) and continued with Inferno (Italy, 1980). Well, the drive appeared : Mother of Tears (Italy-EU, 2008) we now have as the closure of the delusional and nevertheless fascinating saga on transvestite evil witch (witches, mothers, therefore, that they hold together "conceptual" to the set) in the middle of the contemporary world with tired desire to undo and make further life miserable heroines who go there, Some Like It Hot, in plan skeptical cosmopolitan cities of the first world.
But, "because" but "there is, of creative impulses to whims is less than a letter, and that strong desire which required motivationally Argento seems tied more to an effort to try to strengthen and be faithful to that idea living legend in which he believes to have become (very common in the good old horror filmmakers who survive) that the fact that he found the exact history to close in a logical and worthy of alchemy vaginocrática this cycle.
(Joseph Abril)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Unlock A Tracfone Sim Card

Sometimes I have the impression that Joseph Losey (EU 1909 - Ing 1984) is unjustly forgotten and often. Forgetting of that, shame assumed, often server has also been involved. May be due to the fact that Losey of very large and extensive filmography, held in little more than four decades, very few films, if any, acquired the canonical dimension, the iconic value the passage of time given to the classics. Clarify: I do not mean that his films are without value or interest, they have it and perhaps much more than any of those movies that critics and historians very often attributed to a filmmaker who, in retrospect, it overrated. Even in spite of possible irregularities in its path. But his presence in the film, to be realistic, it was rather quiet. And speaking of discretion when compared to the rest of his generation: Kazan, Huston, Wilder, Hitchcock perhaps.
(Joseph Abril)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pajama Pancake Party Invitation Wording

As things first: the only explanation that Shutter Island (EU, 2010) abuse of a score emphatic on the verge of a parody of film noir series B, to seek some Kafkaesque atmosphere based on obvious symbolism about madness and take a medium development unabashedly bizarre (the plot that flirts with madness and paranoia, Nazism overshadowing, psychiatrists with more than one suspect in tow, secret scientific experiments, a prison, mental hospital in each corner suggests mysteries, and what you like to add). Suddenly, it gives the feeling that Scorsese has curly lock of pastiche calculated to gloat over the surface reminiscent of a classic film with a plot that does not stop blinking.
As second: hard to do, because Shutter Island, Though technically irreproachable, photographically impeccable, environmentally sound, is the typical movie that advocates a surprise ending that comes to resemantizing all that the script has to carefully and slyly put before our eyes. An ending that is not so surprising because since the arrival of that same pair of detectives (Ruffalo and DiCaprio) to the island madhouse and the whole thing starts to guess. And is that the predictability of the case, because I personally was predictable, contributing resources as apparent Mannerist style exercise features, sabotaging any hint of a revelation.
way: who remembers this master piece eighty pure and simple camp where Lucia Mendez, within their histrionic skills (which were few). the detective did, came to a mental hospital to solve a mystery y. ..? Well, for some strange perversion that I remembered.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Quotes Similiar She Cheese My Macaroni